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Jul 25 2024

Kamala Harris Might Go After Electoral College

Contra the pious bleating from Democrats about “Our Democracy,” the USA is not a democracy, or it never would have lasted this long, democracies being inherently unstable. The Founding Fathers blessed us with a constitutional republic — if we can keep it. Trump isn’t a threat to our system of government. Democrats are:

In March 2019, Kamala Harris, who was dubbed the “female Obama,” said she was open to discussing eliminating the Electoral College. …

“I’m open to the discussion,” Harris said in an appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live.

You can see why a politician from California might like the idea. It would allow winner-take-all states with large populations to select the president. Rural states with small populations would have no say.

As quickly as they can get away with it, Democrats will dismantle everything that makes America America so as to achieve single-party totalitarian rule. That’s what Obama meant when he promised to “fundamentally transform” our country.

Hat tip: Liberty Daily.


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