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Sep 01 2020

Kamala Harris Raised Money to Abet Rioting

As mentioned earlier, at least 13 members of Joe Biden’s staff have provided material support to the terrorists burning down sections of Minneapolis by donating money to the Minnesota Freedom Fund. Their explicit purpose was to bail out rioters whose crimes were so over the top that they managed to get arrested even in largely lawless Minneapolis, so that they could resume their destructive activities. Criminals set free by this fund have been charged with offenses including sexual assault, kidnapping, and attempted murder of police officers. To no one’s surprise, sociopaths released thanks to the MFF have gone on to hurt people. Biden’s VP choice, who will probably be de facto president if he is elected, actively solicited others to donate to this malevolent fund.

Whether due to arrogance or incompetence, this tweet is still up:

If they finally take down the tweet that has been up there since June 1, you can view it here.

As made explicit during the Democratic National Convention, a vote for Democrats is a vote for mayhem — although Biden has suggested that he will call the rioters off if we elect him:

On a tip from R F. Hat tip: Doug Ross.


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4 Responses to “Kamala Harris Raised Money to Abet Rioting”

  1. […] mentioned earlier, Harris has tried to raise money to bail out rioters so that they can resume their arson, looting, vandalism, et cetera. She has […]

  2. […] De facto presidential candidate Kamala Harris has described the rioters as a “new coalition of conscience” and “the heroes of our time.” She encourages people to donate money to bail them out of jail. […]

  3. […] is the most prominent Democrat to endorse the riots and the toxic ideology that drives them. As noted earlier, Kamala Harris has raised money to bail out violent felons so they can resume rioting. She is […]

  4. […] is often the innocent who bear the consequences of moonbattery. As mentioned earlier, de facto presidential candidate Kamala Harris has promoted the Minnesota Freedom Fund, to which at […]


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