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Aug 20 2024

LGBT Activists Arrested for Molesting Children

Progressives have not finished progressing yet. Sometimes pedophiles are still arrested — like Stephen Ireland, founder of an LGBT organization in Surrey, England:

On August 14, Ireland, along with one of the volunteers from his organization, were both arrested and jointly charged with 15 offenses, including conspiracy to kidnap a child and conspiracy to sexually assault a child.

Ireland was separately charged with an additional 22 offenses, including the rape of a child, the sexual assault of a child, and six counts of making indecent photographs of children. In all cases, the victim is said to be under the age of 13.

Is there anyone on earth who honestly does not understand that promoting the LGBT agenda means promoting the sexual abuse of children? The Alphabet People aren’t subtle about their inclinations:

Following Ireland’s establishment of Pride in Surrey in 2018, the organization was responsible for arranging the annual Pride festivities, which included activities for children and youth. As a result of his activism, Ireland garnered the support of Surrey Police, who regularly attended events he organized in cars outfitted with rainbow decals.

It’s a relief to know children will be safe from Ireland so long as he is kept in a cage. But why were the police helping him? They even promoted his grooming operations in schools:

On June 6, shortly before Ireland was arrested on numerous child sexual abuse charges, Surrey Police visited local school Woking High with his organization to take part in “Pride engagement” work.

Could the police possibly not know they were effectively promoting the sexual molestation of children? Sure they knew:

The force would have already been aware of the charges prepared to be pressed against Ireland at this time.

Ireland’s sexual interest in children became obvious enough that they were forced to arrest him. Other people are arrested with more alacrity:

Surrey Police has been known for harshly enforcing the complaints of convicted child sex offender Stephanie Hayden, a trans-identified male who frequently targets women critical of his trans activism.

For example,

Surrey Police arrested mother Caroline Farrow in front of her children for posts she made on social media about Hayden. Her electronic devices were seized and she was subjected to intense interrogation for her views on gender ideology. The arrest, along with others initiated by Hayden, have prompted some to argue that Surrey Police display a particular favoritism towards the convicted pedophile.

The purpose of the police under moonbat rule is to impose moonbattery. Before long, they won’t arrest anyone for pedophilia; instead they will arrest those who “spread hate” by complaining about it.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.


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