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Jul 31 2024

Liberal Borg Proclaims Normality to Be Weird

Unless the moonbat apparatchiks comprising the Democratic Party—mainstream media axis of evil are actually a borg-like organism with a single hive mind, they are reading off talking points from a centralized source. The current tactic of calling normal people “weird” makes it more obvious than ever:

This is from the people who subject children to drag queens and demand we believe that men can be women.

Presumably the woke freaks infesting the capital of Texas will change their motto to “Keep Austin Normal.”

Gaslighting has been taken to a new extreme of Orwellian outrageousness. But you can see how normality would seem weird to weirdos.

On a tip from seaoh.


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13 Responses to “Liberal Borg Proclaims Normality to Be Weird”

  1. […] Liberal Borg Proclaims Normality to Be Weird […]

  2. […] the border, but our (God willing) next VP J.D. Vance has made the trip already. At the risk of striking weirdos as weird, he makes a case for defending the border from the largest invasion in human […]

  3. […] the border, but our (God willing) next VP J.D. Vance has made the trip already. At the risk of striking weirdos as weird, he makes a case for defending the border from the largest invasion in human […]

  4. […] while liberal establishmentarians shout in unison that normal people are weird, here’s what they have been ramming down our […]

  5. […] as liberal establishmentarians shout in unison that normal people are weird, here’s what they have been ramming down our […]

  6. […] requiring schools to stock menstrual products in boys’ restrooms. Yet he sings along with the leftist borg that Trump and Vance are […]

  7. […] requiring schools to stock menstrual products in boys’ restrooms. Yet he sings along with the leftist borg that Trump and Vance are […]

  8. […] offered the no doubt “weird” opinion that it would be a good for the media if Que Mala “actually ran a real […]

  9. […] However, nowadays normal people are denounced as “weird.” […]

  10. […] reaffirmed when all at once they recite the same incongruous word in chorus. Recently it was “weird.” Now it is […]

  11. […] is reaffirmed when all at once they recite the same incongruous word in chorus. Recently it was “weird.” Now it is […]

  12. […] pols and the media myrmidons who keep them in power have been instructed to call normal people […]


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