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Mar 01 2023

Lori Lightfoot Loses

Maybe we have reached maximum moonbattery; maybe now, we begin to turn back from the abyss of insanity that has been institutionalized by the Democratic Party. Even dysfunctional Chicago knew better than to reelect the catastrophically awful Lori Lightfoot:

Lightfoot, the first black woman and openly gay mayor of the Windy City, is now also the first Chicago mayor in 40 years to lose a re-election after trailing behind in third place with only 17.1 percent of votes as of Wednesday morning.

Lightfoot does not like the country that let her be mayor of the third largest city:

Following her concession speech, a reporter asked her if she was treated unfairly because of her race and gender, with Lightfoot answering: ‘I’m a black woman in America. Of course.’

Lightfoot steadfastly refused to take any responsibility for her incompetence, barking that “99 percent” of criticism directed against her was for being a black woman.

Even if being a black lesbian got her into power, it couldn’t keep her there with a record like this:

[T]here was a 59 percent increase in murder citywide when comparing the 9th week of 2023 to the same time-period four years ago, which is right when Lightfoot was heading to a runoff with Toni Preckwinkle.

The four-year change also shows a 27 percent increase in robbery, 31 percent increase in theft and a massive 270 percent increase in the number of motor vehicle thefts.

Lightfoot will be remembered not only for skyrocketing crime and for taking identity politics to the last extreme of absurdity, but for killing the Magnificent Mile:

Huge brands like Macy’s, Old Navy, Banana Republic, Gap, Uniqlo and Timberland have all fled large premises since Covid shutdowns and ensuing riots.

Lightfoot stoked the riots by siding with Black Lives Matter and shrieking for the police to be defunded.

Many were driven away by soaring crime and violence, with the vacancy rate on the once tony shopping strip rising 10-fold since 2016, when it sat at just 3.6 percent, to the current 30.1 percent vacancy rate.

Maybe with her gone, flagship stores will dare to return.

Now for the bad news. The Democrat Death Spiral has hit rock bottom in Chicago. Anyone not content to live under Democrat rule bailed out decades ago. That means there is no competition for the Democratic Party and no chance of responsible leadership.

But at least watching Lightfoot crash and burn might inspire her successor to lighten up on the radicalism.

On tips from Varla, Anonymous, and Ed McAninch.


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3 Responses to “Lori Lightfoot Loses”

  1. […] celebrated earlier, Lori Lightfoot, a walking parody of moonbattery, has blessedly been voted out of office. […]


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