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May 29 2024

Manhunt Over St. Petersburg Driver’s Rebellious Gesture

Under leftist anarchotyranny, law enforcement is less about punishing crime than imposing official dogma. Members of the preferred racial group riot overwhelmingly with impunity if not with actual cash rewards (as in Philadelphia, New York, Denver, Seattle) so long as it is under the banner of antiwhite ideology. On the flip side, disrespectful gestures toward the political enshrinement of sexual perversion are not tolerated:

A massive manhunt is underway at this hour in St. Petersburg, Florida after a motorist left tire marks on a gay pride crosswalk. …

Police say … whoever was behind the wheel will face felony charges.

Authorities clarified that the driver’s presumed attitude is the crime, not the tire marks per se:

Mayor Ken Welch was enraged and declared that the person responsible committed a hate crime.

Welch screeched that “there is no place for hate in St. Petersburg.” In Liberalese, “hate” means “attitudinal disobedience.”

The mayor promised to the Alphabet Activist community that the damage would be repaired in time for the month long celebration of transgenderism, preferred pronouns and bottomless leather chaps.

It will take more than a few skid marks to restore decency in a country dominated by moonbats.

On tips from Wiggins and KirklesWorth.


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4 Responses to “Manhunt Over St. Petersburg Driver’s Rebellious Gesture”

  1. […] marks on a street where these flags have been painted is regarded as dissidence; it can lead to manhunts and felony […]

  2. […] marks on a street where these flags have been painted is regarded as dissidence; it can lead to manhunts and felony […]

  3. […] by painting rainbow flags on streets. Those who leave tire marks on these symbols of LGBTism are hunted down and punished severely. Yet indications of dissent continue to […]


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