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Oct 25 2021

Massive Invasion Force Approaches US Border

The Biden Regime has only just begun to fundamentally transform America by displacing the population:

Several thousand migrants from Haiti, South America, and Central America are making their way north to the southern border of the United States. …

Approximately 3,000 migrants marched in the southern Mexican city of Tapachula – about 10 miles from the Guatemala border.

This 3,000 is only the latest installment. The Third World has an infinite capacity to produce needy colonists to displace Americans.

We have plenty of time to prepare defenses against this approaching invasion force. But no effective preparations will be made, because they are coming on Biden’s invitation. Our approaching replacements are quite open about this:

There are reports that members of the caravan were carrying signs with President Joe Biden’s name on them, including one that read: “Joe Biden Is For All.”

As for Mexico’s defensive forces, these are rendered useless by the scale of the invasion.

The Mexican National Guard established a roadblock – fortified by some 400 law enforcement officers. Video shows the migrant caravan overwhelming the Mexican force and bulldozing the officers who were equipped with shields and anti-riot gear.

Watch civilization fall:

A single helicopter gunship could put a stop to this. Imagine the military response if these were Russian troops. To be invaded and temporarily occupied by a civilized country would be a blessing compared to the consequences of what is happening now. Imagine an America where every congressional district elects an Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

Yet not a shot will be fired in the USA’s defense as the traitors comprising the Democratic Party bring The Camp of the Saints to life.

On a tip from Bluto.


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5 Responses to “Massive Invasion Force Approaches US Border”

  1. […] as the economy circles the drain, Third World armies descend on the undefended border, China prepares to conquer Taiwan, and Americans languish in the clutches […]

  2. […] caravans of illegals are already descending upon the border. Biden’s largesse with our money will make them swell still larger. The Third […]

  3. […] objective is no longer to win wars, and it certainly won’t be used to defend the border from foreign invasion. Now it has […]

  4. […] Yet Biden greenlighted the Nord Stream 2 pipeline that will make Germany dependent on natural gas from Russia. Despite the phony rhetoric, this is not about the environment. It is economic sabotage by the same traitors who won’t close the border during an invasion. […]


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