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May 30 2024

Met Curator Joins Racial Impostor List

Phoniness is a conspicuous characteristic of the art world, making it a suitable place to look for Pretendians:

Patricia Marroquin Norby was hired with great fanfare in 2020, after what the [Metropolitan Museum of Art] said was “a long and competitive search,” as its “inaugural Associate Curator of Native American Art” in its American Wing.

What exciting times we live in. Another historic first!

For years, Marroquin Norby, 53, described herself — including in legal filings — as “Apache,” “Eastern Apache” and “Nde” as well as “Purepacha/Tarascan,” an indigenous group from the northwestern part of Michoacan, Mexico.

Real Indians are getting fed up with the fakes, which they say include Norby.

“With all of the Native American scholars out there, we really wonder why the museum chose Patricia, who is definitely not Native American,” said Kathy Griffin, a member of the Cherokee Nation who compiled a genealogy of Marroquin Norby’s family that she shared with The Post.

The review of Marroquin Norby’s ancestry compiled by Griffin shows no evidence that any of her parents, grandparents or great-grandparents were enrolled members of a recognized tribe.

A red flag was Norby’s shifting claims regarding her politically sacred ancestry.

The Tribal Alliance Against Frauds tracks fake Indians:

The nonprofit added the genealogical research compiled by Griffin to its website on Saturday.

In light of Marroquin Norby’s disputed ethnicity, this is rich:

In 2010, Marroquin Norby was among a group in Osseo [Wisconsin] who sued the school district to try to force the removal of its “Chieftains” mascot, which depicted a Native American in a headdress.

This is even richer:

In 2013, Marroquin Norby graduated from the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities with a PhD in American studies for a thesis which analyzed how “European Americans have historically manipulated American Indian images to create a non-American Indian perspective.”

Don’t be too hard on racial imposters. These days you no longer get ahead by working hard, but by whimpering belligerently that your privileged identity group was once oppressed. Those unlikely enough not to be born into such a group may feel they have to fake it.

That’s why the representative Racial Impostor List keeps getting longer. Looks like we can add Patricia Marroquin Norby to the names below:

Margaret Noodin, Buffy Sainte-Marie, Andrea Smith, Kay LeClaire, Elizabeth Hoover, Carrie Bourassa, CV Vitolo-Haddad, Gwen Stefani, Heather Rae, Jessica Krug, Kristen Rosen Gonzalez, Rick Caruso, Kelly Kean Sharp, Rachel Dolezal, Raquel Evita Saraswati, Sacheen Littlefeather, Satchuel Cole, Shaun King, Ward Churchill, Elizabeth Warren.

On a tip from Ed McAninch.


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