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Jun 14 2024

Misadventures in California Justice

The system of government under moonbat rule is called “anarchotyranny.” In liberal jurisdictions like California, criminals are allowed to run riot to the point that traffic lights cannot be maintained and Senate candidates are subjected to carjackings. Burglary tourism draws criminals from as far away as Chile. Meanwhile,

A California mother was slapped with a fine worth $88,000 after her kids mistakenly collected clams — thinking they were picking up seashells — on the beach without a fishing license.

Charlotte Russ was on a family trip to Pismo Beach, known as the “Clam Capital of the World,” when she said her kids picked up 72 clams from the clamming hotspot during their getaway, according to ABC 7.

Fortunately a judge knocked her fine down to $500. Too bad the 77-year-old Oakland resident who recently defended himself from a burglar might not be so lucky:

Even Los Angeles socialites can get in trouble with the law — just not as much trouble:

The heartbroken mother of the two young boys whom an LA socialite killed in a hit-and-run crash said it felt as if she was “stabbed in the heart” when she learned the murderer’s fate.

Rebecca Grossman was sentenced on Monday to 15 years to life in prison for killing brothers Jacob, 8, and Mark Iskander [11], while prosecutors demanded she receive the maximum sentence of 34 years to life in state prison.

Grossman was racing her car while drunk through a residential neighborhood when she killed the little kids. She will be eligible for parole in 9 years, at which time Jacob and Mark will still be dead. But she did have to pay $47,161.89 in restitution. Good thing she didn’t collect any clams.

On tips from Wiggins and Ed McAninch.


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