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Jul 29 2024

More of Your Money Given to Haiti

Work harder, tax slaves. Someone has to generate the wealth our rulers bestow upon countries they prefer to ours. Ukraine is hardly the only example. Haiti — a nation born of genocidal violence against the whites who were driven out of it — also has a prominent seat on the gravy train:

The U.S. ambassador to the United Nations announced $60 million in additional humanitarian assistance to Haiti during a trip [last] Monday to the troubled Caribbean country.

Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield … said the USAID assistance, which now totals more than $165 million this fiscal year, would fill gaps in nutrition, food security and shelter; improve water and sanitation services; and provide Haitians with cash to buy basic goods.

Did you think the money you earn was to buy goods for yourself and your family? Think again.

The money spigot hasn’t been turned up to full blast yet. That will have to wait until we have a president explicitly selected for being of the Third World.

On a tip from WDS 2.0.


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4 Responses to “More of Your Money Given to Haiti”

  1. […] money on that scale will entail pouring it upon corrupt Third World […]


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