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Aug 28 2024

NASA Terrorizes Tots With Global Warming Hysteria

The key when it comes to proselytizing on behalf of the global warming cult is to find potential recruits gullible enough to swallow climate doctrine. The Biden/Harris Regime wisely focuses on kindergarteners:

NASA’s “Climate Kids” webpage offers fun environment-related educational activities, films, and video games for children in kindergarten. It also warns children that the world is undergoing cataclysmic warming, sea levels are rising, global ice coverage is diminishing, and their future may very well be doomed.

In former times, NASA put us on the moon. But then it was repurposed by moonbats.

Climate Kids proclaims that the cost of fossil fuels is “pollution, the destruction of landscapes and natural habitats, oil spills in the ocean, and nasty fracking chemicals in the ground,” while the “biggest problem of all” is global warming. The website separately shows an image of what it says may soon occur to the United States’ Eastern Seaboard: a calamitous sea level rise covering entire cities, including New Orleans and Miami.

Get them when they are young enough and hysterical lies can be baked into their conception of reality. The objective is to instill “ecoanxiety,” a form of neurosis that can be exploited to advance leftist political objectives.

Now that US cities are doomed to a watery grave, will UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres give us other people’s money? No, because we are the ones leftists redistribute from.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.


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