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Jul 26 2024

Orders From Headquarters on Border Czar Kamala

Now that Queen Kamala has been coronated by the shadowy forces controlling the Democratic Party, the liberal media is once again all on the same page. Here’s the page:

The Democrat apparatchiks comprising the “mainstream” media are so good at sticking to the same talking points, you could almost suspect they are a borg with a single hive mind. But dramatic historical revisions like Oceania always having been at war with Eastasia and Kamala Harris never having been the border czar require specific orders.

The establishment media has no more credibility than Pravda did in Stalin’s time. Liberals really are recreating the Soviet Union. First as tragedy, second as farce, as their guiding light Karl Marx would say.

On a tip from Anonymous.


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8 Responses to “Orders From Headquarters on Border Czar Kamala”

  1. […] Harris was not only the border czar, she was also the broadband czar. Her performance was the same in both roles — total […]

  2. […] Harris was not only the border czar, she was also the broadband czar. Her performance was the same in both roles — total […]

  3. […] our laws in order to invade our country and enslave us via the welfare state are not criminals. Border czar Kamala Harris is adamant about […]

  4. […] regime has invited to illegally cross our borders will be officially legalized soon after the Border Czar fails upward all the way to POTUS. A fellow Marxist, Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), confirms […]

  5. […] regime has invited to illegally cross our borders will be officially legalized soon after the Border Czar fails upward all the way to POTUS. A fellow Marxist, Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), confirms […]

  6. […] presidential campaign; her raising funds to bail rioters out of jail; her conspicuous failure as border czar and broadband czar; her choice of the hardcore leftist valor thief Tim Awalz for VP; and her […]

  7. […] presidential campaign; her raising funds to bail rioters out of jail; her conspicuous failure as border czar and broadband czar; her choice of the hardcore leftist valor thief Tim Awalz for VP; and her […]


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