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Oct 28 2023

Pallywood Profile: Saleh Aljafarawi

No need to worry about Hollywood deteriorating to the point that the woke crap it excretes is no longer watchable. Pallywood provides an alternative. The career of Saleh Aljafarawi is flourishing:

If you have been on social media platforms like Twitter or TikTok over the past three weeks, chances are pretty good that you’ve seen him.

The anguished. The angry. The triumphant raising of the AK-47. Give the man an Oscar! …

Since hostilities began he now has a whopping 1.5 million followers on Instagram and more than 9,000 subscribers on YouTube.

A sample of Aljafarawi’s oeuvre:

With the liberal media anxious to lap up whatever lies Hamas barfs up in front of them, it’s no surprise Aljafarawi is all smiles:

The rockets they get from Iran with financial assistance from the Biden Administration are useful for indiscriminately showering down upon civilians, but the primary weapon of Palestinian terrorists is propaganda. It is effective only because our ruling class is eager to believe and even propagate it.

If we were all as willfully gullible and morally unmoored as liberal journalists, Democrat pols, and some college students, by now our government would be directly rewarding terrorist atrocities with $100 million bonuses. Oh wait…

On a tip from R F.


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