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Jun 06 2022

Peter Navarro Subjected to Show Arrest

Show trials (e.g., Derek Chauvin) aren’t new. Stalin was famous for them. Democrats have expanded the concept by introducing the show arrest.

Remember the arrest of Roger Stone? The Deep State colluded with CNN so that the nation could see an old man terrorized by the equivalent of SEAL Team 6 in the small hours of the morning for opposing Democrats.

Dems followed that up Friday with the arrest of top Trump advisor Peter Navarro:

Navarro was indicted by a federal grand jury and taken into custody for contempt of Congress charges stemming from his shunning of requests from the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6 Capitol riot.

As with Stone, simply letting him know through his lawyer that he had to come in would not have made for good theater.

Navarro will not be intimidated into submission easily:

He levied scathing accusations that law enforcement used leg irons and stuck him in a cell when they arrested him when addressing the press outside the courthouse.

Leg irons, basically for complaining about election fraud. Can we call it a banana republic yet?

Adding insult to injury, they threw him in John Hinckley’s cell. Politics is all about symbolism, much of it contrived and mendacious.

The indictment comes on the heels of a lawsuit Navarro filed against the Jan. 6 committee, arguing it is illegitimate due to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) appointing Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) as its top Republican.

When it comes to hyping the January 6 farce into an “insurrection” and weaponizing it against the GOP, Liz Cheney is no more Republican than Adam Kinzinger — or Pelosi herself.

Assistant Democrats Cheney and Kinzinger are the only “Republicans” on the committee. This violates the resolution that created the committee, arguably rendering its subpoenas invalid.

Navarro had other reasons not to comply with the committee’s demands:

“My hands are tied in this matter as the Executive Privilege asserted by President Trump is not my privilege to waive. The Committee has a firm legal obligation to negotiate this matter directly with Trump and his attorneys before attempting to coerce and bully me into cooperating with its highly partisan effort. If the president waives privilege, I will appear,” Navarro said in a statement at the time.

But all things January 6 are about theater, not rule of law.

The Jan. 6 committee is poised to enter a new phase of its inquiry as it prepares to host a series of public hearings over the summer intending to reinvigorate public interest in the Capitol riot.

Just in case there are no more school shootings between now and November to keep the public distracted from what Democrats have been doing to the country.

If convicted, Navarro faces between 30 days and one year in prison and a fine of up to $100,000 per charge.

At least we aren’t to the part yet where they just take opponents out and shoot them.

Breitbart notes an interesting coincidence:

The arrest came one day after Navarro appeared on left-wing MSNBC to promise that he would lead efforts to promote the impeachment of President Joe Biden if Republicans take Congress in the midterm elections, which they are expected to do.

Navarro lives right by FBI headquarters. But they followed him to the airport and arrested him there, so that he could be frog-marched in front of the public. What do you expect of a party that gets some of its most enthusiastic backing from Hollywood?

On tips from Blackjack and Bluto.


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4 Responses to “Peter Navarro Subjected to Show Arrest”

  1. […] Democrats won’t let them forget. The January 6 Commission is back in the news following the show arrest of Peter Navarro. Despite the resolution that created it calling for there to be five Republicans […]

  2. […] January 6 Commission is a step closer to a Third World style of government. Assassins showing up at the homes of Supreme Court justices […]

  3. […] what the inquisition calling itself the January 6 Commission is all about, as Peter Navarro and Michigan gubernatorial candidate Ryan Kelly can tell […]

  4. […] elections, and to provide a pretext to incarcerate political opponents like top Trump advisor Peter Navarro and Michigan gubernatorial candidate Ryan […]


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