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Jun 19 2024

Phony FBI Stats Fail to Lower Crime

The Democrat policies of glorifying lawlessness, hamstringing police, and allowing criminals to run loose unsurprisingly drove crime rates into the stratosphere. With elections coming, the partisans controlling the FBI brought the rates back down just in time. However, retired NYPD inspector Paul Mauro smells a rat:

Mauro appeared on “Jesse Watters Primetime” to discuss the release of the FBI’s new stats claiming that the rate of violent and property crimes [has] significantly dropped within the first three months of 2024 compared to the same time last year.

After noting that 40% of police departments do not report their crime numbers to the FBI, Mauro posed a question:

“Let’s do the roll call — New York, LA, Chicago, Baltimore, Washington, D.C. which is federal itself — they don’t report to the FBI. So consequently, what do they all have in common?”

Answer: they are all deep blue cities with skyrocketing crime rates.

According to former FBI agent R R Holiman, cities did not stop sending their data all at once, but…

The problem has been getting worse and worse as mayors got tired of claiming crime was down and then being called liars by people pulling up the FBI reported crime. Their answer increasingly became to just stop reporting the crimes (and also there was some reclassifying of violent crimes as well, like calling an armed robbery a larceny).

Speaking of deep blue cities, the launchpad for the current pro-crime, anti-police jihad was Minneapolis — or as they call it nowadays, Murderapolis:

Now, with its police department under investigation by the Department of Justice, the city of 425,000 is trying to find a way forward amid a period of heightened crime that began shortly after [St. George of Fentanyl] Floyd’s death.

That year, the number of murders soared to nearly 80 — dwarfing the 2019 body count of 46. It has cooled somewhat this year, though the amount of killing — and violent crime in general — remains elevated far above 2019 levels and homicides are on pace to surpass the 2020 figure.

So much for “Minnesota nice.”

If authorities cannot get crime under control by underreporting it, they might adopt the approach California takes to shoplifting: de facto legalization. Why not cut to the chase and make all crime legal? Voilà: zero crime.

On tips from Ed McAninch, ABC of the ANC, MrRightWingDave, Lyle, and Jester.


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