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Jun 12 2024

Profiles in Countermoonbattery: Liam Morrison

If Patrick Henry were 12 years old and lived in the year 2024, his name would be Liam Morrison:

Liam Morrison, a 12-year-old student in Middleborough, Massachusetts, wore a T-shirt reading “There Are Only Two Genders” to seventh grade after his school held a Pride day and hung Pride flags in classrooms.

The creeps running the school faced no consequences for promoting sexual depravity to the children entrusted to their care. Instead, consequences befell Liam.

It’s still a soft tyranny for the most part. In 1984, observing that 2 + 2 = 4 would get you tortured at the Ministry of Love. In our society, the equivalent got Liam sent home from school.

Days later, Morrison returned to school wearing the same shirt, this time with the word “CENSORED” taped over the words “Only Two.” Morrison was again sent home from school.

Fortunately, Master Morrison is not the only countermoonbat. There are adults with enough character to back him up:

Morrison, represented by conservative advocacy group Alliance Defending Freedom, sued and argued that school administrators at Nichols Middle School violated his First Amendment rights by refusing to allow him to wear the T-shirt.

Less fortunately, the courts are almost as rotted through with moonbattery as the schools.

The district court sided with the school and said, “students who identify differently … have a right to attend school without being confronted by messages attacking their identities.”

Put differently, children being groomed have “a right” not to hear opinions or even objective facts that might conflict with their indoctrination.

Hats off to Liam Morrison. There is hope for the future.

On a tip from seaoh.


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