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Oct 30 2022

Profiles in Cowardice: John Kerry

Watch in glee as rats begin to abandon ship even before it hits the November 8 iceberg:

Jet-setting climate czar John Kerry is reportedly thinking of fleeing the Biden administration just before a potential GOP takeover of Congress, escaping likely scrutiny into his payroll and globetrotting ways.

With the cat away, the rats will play. But come January, the cat will be back. If there is anything resembling a fair election, outraged and disgusted will voters return both houses of Congress to Republicans.

Does he really need to be repeatedly hauled before the Republican-controlled Senate to justify his job, his jet, his staff and his carbon-emitting world travels?

Kerry has arrogantly refused to release even his climate czar payroll to the Herald.

The Senate could lower the federal debt by charging admission. People would pay good money to watch Tom Cotton and Rand Paul rip to shreds this supercilious elitist who wants us to shiver in the dark so as not to offend the climate while he jets around the world with the rest of the Davos crowd.

Time to get out of Dodge.

On a tip from Jack D.


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