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Aug 22 2024

Recommended Reading: Unhumans

As indicated by the emergence of hardcore leftists atop of the Democratic Party, the USA is undergoing a revolution from above. To understand this threat in the context of leftist revolutions of the past, readers are referred to Unhumans: The Secret History of Communist Revolutions (and How to Crush Them) by Jack Posobiec and Joshua Lisec.

Heavy use of the word “equity” among Democrats confirms that this is a communist revolution in all but name. It is an irregular communist revolution, characterized by gray zone warfare waged at a relatively low-intensity level via Cultural Marxism. Leftists have implemented what military intelligence experts like Posobiec call “operational preparation of the environment” (OPE) through inversion of the merit-based social order, overwhelming society with an alliance of fringe elements.

Marxism is a tactic, not an ideology. It entails weaponization of the Oppressor/Oppressed (a.k.a. Haves/Have-Nots) narrative to empower an authoritarian oligarchy in the name of an unhuman ideology. Despite sanctimonious rhetoric, the objective is not to help the Have-Nots but to hurt the Haves. This allows the revolutionary vanguard to appeal to base emotions like envy and resentment to destroy the existing society so as to seize or in our case consolidate power.

To illustrate how unhumanism works, the authors take us through leftist power grabs of the past, including the catastrophic French Revolution, Russian Revolution, and Spanish Civil War, giving overdue credit to heroes who resisted them like Pyotr Wrangel and Francisco Franco.

We can fight back too. One recommended tactic is to expose the unhumans, as the unjustly demonized Joseph McCarthy did back in the 1950s. Christopher Rufo, Chaya Raichik, and James O’Keefe show the way.


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