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Jun 28 2024

Running a Business Under Democrat Anarchotyranny

Where Democrat anarchotyranny has been established as in San Francisco, running a business is challenging:

Cigarettes Cheaper, a family-owned small business […] has been broken into and ransacked on four different occasions, according to Bashir, the store’s owner. …

“How many times do we have to go through this? I get it (if it’s) once or twice, but it just continues to happen,” Bashir said. “I think we’re at the verge to just completely close our shop because the profit is not that great. All we’re trying to do is maintain. Everything’s expensive. The rent is up, employee (costs) are high, and on top, (we have) to deal with this.”

Welcome to California now that Democrats have consolidated control.

The store is walled with interior fencing because of previous break-ins, but Bashier said the thieves used a car to ram through it […]

Disposable cars are easy to come by in California. Just steal one. In the name of Critical Race Theory, police have been marginalized to the point of irrelevance.

Costs are estimated to be in the tens of thousands from stolen items […] and the damage to the storefront.

Another benefit of living in Gavin Newsom Land:

“There’s no insurance. State Farm has completely kicked us out because they call the state of California a hot spot,” Bashir said. “I don’t blame them because they’re here for business, not to just continue to give you money. So, there’s chaos going on here (and) they cancelled everybody’s policy. They won’t give insurance because they know the outcome.”

See here for more on State Farm giving up on the erstwhile Golden State.

The police did chase the criminals. But then they crashed into a police car and ran away. At last word, no arrests had been made.

Municipal bureaurats realized Bashir had not been sufficiently punished for trying to run a business, so…

Want to turn the whole country into this? Vote Democrat.

On a tip from seaoh.


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