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May 12 2024

San Francisco Provides Free Alcohol to Drunken Bums

If moonbats are insane enough to give free needles to drug fiends, why not provide free vodka shots to drunken bums? No really:

San Francisco is handing out bottles of beer, glasses of wine and shots of vodka to homeless alcoholics – and spending $5m a year on the program.

It’s okay; it’s all supervised by Experts:

The alcoholic drinks are served by nurses as part of the city’s ‘managed alcohol program’, which has been running for four years, as a way of taking care of vulnerable homeless people.

No reason to be stingy; taxpayers have plenty of money:

Nurses assess patients and typically serve them the equivalent of 1-2 drinks between three and four times a day — handing out either 1.7 ounces of vodka or liquor (about a shot), 5 ounces of wine (1 glass) or 12 ounces of beer – about three-quarters of a pint.

Next will be taxpayer-funded kiddy porn for vulnerable pedophiles.

On a tip from Chris Neilson.


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