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Jul 27 2024

Satan’s Olympics

If demons from hell comprised the globalist liberal elite, what would they do differently from the moonbats presiding over the Paris Olympics?

The opening ceremony featured a drag queen parody of the Last Supper:

To spice up the blasphemy, children were made to take part:

Is the religious significance too subtle? Try this:

The USA makes its contribution by having the Olympic torch carried by a visibly skeevy rap performer best known for extravagantly excessive illicit drug use. Nice try, but Snoop Dogg no longer represents cutting edge degeneracy. Maybe if he used the torch to set fire to a Bible…

On tips from Wiggins, Varla, Chris Neilson, WDS 2.0, and ABC of the ANC.


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10 Responses to “Satan’s Olympics”

  1. […] from Moonbattery: […]

  2. […] Eastern Europe is less advanced on the road to civilizational collapse than the elitist moonbats running the Olympics, who have subverted the games into a showcase for perversion, blasphemy, and obesity: […]

  3. […] Eastern Europe is less advanced on the road to civilizational collapse than the elitist moonbats running the Olympics, who have subverted the games into a showcase for promoting perversion, blasphemy, and obesity: […]

  4. […] the ruins they have made of Venezuela. Where do you suppose the Biden/Harris Regime stands on the gut-wrenchingly disgusting blasphemy rammed down the public’s throat at the […]

  5. […] how rotten does someone have to be to want to watch a man punching out a woman? As rotten as the moonbats running the […]

  6. […] insolent lies to the contrary, there is no doubt the repugnant spectacle was intended as a desecration of the Last […]

  7. […] insolent lies to the contrary, there is no doubt the repugnant spectacle was intended as a desecration of the Last […]

  8. […] the blasphemous LGBT parody of the Last Summer and the criminal spectacle of men being award gold medals for punching out women, it seems unlikely […]

  9. […] the blasphemous LGBT parody of the Last Summer and the criminal spectacle of men being award gold medals for punching out women, it seems unlikely […]


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