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Search: Kamala Harris

Sep 12 2024

Montel Williams Introduces Kamala Harris

As the farcically unfair debate reminded us on Tuesday, the establishment media may as well be a branch of the Democratic Party. Or maybe the Democratic Party is a branch of the media. Then again, we might have two coequal branches of government. In any case, for a nitwit to get to the top, it may be necessary to get a foothold on both ladders.

Willie Brown could tell you all about how Kamala Harris got her start in the political world. Here’s Montel Williams introducing her as a young floozy to the entertainment paparazzi:

Nice to see Kamala has been as willing to share her men as she is to share your money.

On a tip from Mike B.

Sep 10 2024

Kamala Harris’s Radicalism Revealed

Kamala Harris keeps telling us that her “values have not changed.” To learn what this means, refer to an ACLU questionnaire that she completed in 2019 but that evidently was uploaded after Biden was shoved aside for her at the top of ticket.

The Blaze reports that she promised to do the following:

• “Support the decriminalization at the federal level of all drug possession for personal use”;

• Slash detention in illegal alien detention facilities by at least 50% and halt funding for the construction of new facilities;

• End the use of ICE detainers;

• “Pass immigration reform with a pathway to citizenship for the 11 million-plus people living in our communities”;

• Seek a federal moratorium on the death penalty;

• “Fight” to make Washington, D.C., a state;

• “Require states with a history of unconstitutionally restricting access to abortion to pre-clear any new law or practice with the Justice Department before it can be enacted”;

• Repeal the Hyde Amendment and “ensure that all insurers are required to provide full reproductive healthcare services”; and

• Ensure that “federal prisoners and detainees are able to obtain medically necessary care for gender transition, including surgical care, while incarcerated or detained.”

Even CNN propagandist Erin Burnett was taken aback by her radicalism:

“Taxpayer-funded gender transition surgeries for detained migrants? She actually said she supports that?” said the shocked talking head.

Marxist Senator Bernie Sanders — whose voting record is to the right of Kamala Harris’s — is not fooled by her recent attempts to appear moderate:

There is nothing to the left of the San Francisco liberal Kamala Harris. If Democrats can impose her, America is going off a cliff.

On tips from Mr. Freemarket and Varla.

Sep 03 2024

Kamala Harris Does Foghorn Leghorn

If her conspicuous incompetence ever derails her political career, Kamala Harris will need a new line of work. Maybe she could do voices for cartoons. Her Foghorn Leghorn voice rivals Mel Blanc. She tried it out in Detroit:

Not many people reportedly raised as an Indian in a nice neighborhood in Montreal can talk like that.

Less hilarious than her cartoonish phoniness is that Commiela’s pandering to unions is likely to include destroying the jobs of the millions of Americans who work as independent contractors.

On a tip from Varla.

Aug 15 2024

Kamala Harris Threatens Price Controls on Food

Kamala Harris has a solution to the skyrocketing food costs caused by her party’s wasteful spending and war on energy — price controls:

Harris will call for a federal ban on food and grocery price gouging as part of a broader set of proposals intended to reduce consumer costs, her campaign said in a preview of the first policy speech of her nascent presidential bid.

“Price gouging” is what Marxists call letting the free market determine prices.

Profit margins are notoriously low in the grocery industry. That’s okay; if Democrats drive supermarkets out of business, government grocery stores can take their place.

As anyone with even a grade school grasp of economics understands, price controls mean shortages.

Eat up while you can. When Marxists kill by the millions, the main cause of death is starvation.

On tips from ABC of the ANC and Wiggins.

Aug 11 2024

Quintessential Kamala Harris Supporters

Until Biden was forced out 3 weeks ago, the widely loathed Kamala Harris was no more popular than Joe Biden. Now the media tells us people love her, as it strives to stampede the herd in her direction. Almost all of the enthusiasm is contrived hype, but there actually are people who find Scamala appealing and want her to have more power over our lives. People like this:

Although there is no chance of Trump taking people’s tattoos away, these freakish adolescents are correct that Cackala is the appropriate candidate for those who treasure abortion, make a pageant of perversion, and want to “be themselves” by pretending they are members of the opposite sex.

On a tip from indithinker™.

Aug 03 2024

Kamala Harris Denounces Merry Christmas

We must not say “Merry Christmas” until American citizenship has been bestowed upon children brought into the country illegally. The liberal scold serving as border czar has spoken:

Putting people like this in charge is not likely to end well.

On a tip from Wiggins.

Jul 31 2024

Kamala Harris Will Confiscate Firearms

In an attempt to make herself seem electable, Kamala Harris is walking back her promise to confiscate firearms:

Unnamed officials with the Kamala Harris campaign told the New York Times on Monday that the Vice President no longer supports many of the progressive policy stances she took during her first presidential run in 2019, including a mandatory buyback of civilian-owned “assault weapons.” Instead, her campaign said that she merely supports banning the sale of those guns moving forward.

Among Democrats, not allowing us to buy modern guns going forward but at least refraining from going door to door confiscating those we already have would qualify Que Mala as a moderate. But don’t believe her:

Kamala Harris personifies end-stage leftism. If she takes power, it will not be feasible to impose her agenda on an armed population. This is why “assault weapons” will be confiscated, and why the definition of an assault weapon will be expanded to include anything more useful for self-defense than a water pistol.

Next after America’s rifle will be all semiautomatics, including handguns:

As recently as October of last year, Harris praised Australia’s 1996 semi-automatic gun ban and confiscation policy at a State Department event with Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese.

A semiautomatic ban would leave us with 19th century guns to defend ourselves from a 21st century authoritarian government and the well-armed weaponized mobs it might inflict.

From there, progressives will progress until we are totally defenseless. Soon after that will come extermination, in accordance with their ideology.

They are already taking steps to move the Constitution out of the way by subordinating the Supreme Court to the Democratic Party.

On a tip from WDS 2.0.

Jul 30 2024

Kamala Harris Approves Farcical Venezuela Election

The latest “election” in socialist Venezuela was such a sham, even the New York Times and moonbat weenie Antony Blinken were appalled.

Via Hot Air:

Blinkin was very clear, in diplomaticspeak at least, that the results were cooked. Almost everybody around the world agrees–exit polls showed that the opposition would score a massive victory, there are videos of thugs assaulting voters and stealing ballot boxes, and early returns were showing a massive loss for Maduro.

Then, the government declared that Maduro won. It was obviously not true, and Venezuelans are now expressing their unhappiness in the only way possible: tearing down Maduro posters and billboards, and filling the streets.

Here’s what it looks like:

Once again Venezuela reminds us that you can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out of it.

Everybody knows the election was cooked, except one person: Kamala Harris.

This is truly alarming:

No really. It is alarming:

Prior to Maduro’s predecessor Hugo Chavez, Venezuela was the wealthiest country in Latin America. Since then, millions have escaped what has been reduced to a Marxist hellhole. The extreme poverty is government-inflicted; Venezuela is floating on an ocean of black gold.

Kamala Harris represents the left wing of the left-wing Democratic Party, the goal of which is to do to the USA what likeminded socialists did to Venezuela.

On tips from Chris Neilson, Anonymous, and Steve T.

Jul 28 2024

Watch Kamala Harris Endorse Illegal Immigration

Those who violate our laws in order to invade our country and enslave us via the welfare state are not criminals. Border czar Kamala Harris is adamant about it:

Remember now, don’t ever call illegal aliens “illegal aliens.” According to Kamala, that is as bad as calling radical Islamic terrorism “radical Islamic terrorism.”

On a tip from Jester.

Jul 27 2024

Honest Kamala Harris Ad

If they ever run out of lies, politicians will have to fall back on honesty. That might look something like the ad below, in which Kamala Harris gives the actual arguments in favor of her becoming the figurehead for our leftist ruling class:

On tips from WDS 2.0, ABC of the ANC, and Mr. Freemarket.

Jul 27 2024

Watch Kamala Harris Endorse Defunding the Police

From now until November, it is the job of the “mainstream” media to present Kamala Harris as moderate. She is anything but. Given that she raised funds to bail Black Lives Matter rioters out of prison so they could get back to inflicting mayhem, it should surprise no one that she is on the record as supporting defunding the police:

We don’t need local police. All we need is more socialism.

Jul 27 2024

Kamala Harris Also Failed as Broadband Czar

Kamala Harris was not only the border czar, she was also the broadband czar. Her performance was the same in both roles — total failure:

Biden tapped Kamala Harris to serve as the rural broadband czar in 2021. Part of her task was overseeing the implementation of a $42 billion program to connect Americans in rural and remote parts of the country to the Internet. According to Federal Communications Commission (FCC) member Brendan Carr, however, after almost 1,000 days, not a single person has actually been connected to the web.

Why not? Because moonbattery:

Internet service providers (ISPs) and lawmakers on Capitol Hill contend the Biden-Harris government’s burdensome regulations—including climate change mandates, union worker requirements, and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) policies—have brought progress on expanding rural Internet access to a halt.

Considering that the Swamp is based on the principle of failing upward, Cackling Kamala has a perfect record.

Hat tip: Liberty Daily.

Jul 26 2024

Watch Kamala Harris Support Islamic Terror

Because their ideology is based on postmodernism, leftists emphasize exerting control through language. You can tell what they support by what they demand we euphemize. Just as we mustn’t call illegal aliens “illegal aliens,” we mustn’t call radical Islamic terrorism “radical Islamic terrorism.” Watch Kamala Harris give the order:

The horrific terror atrocities of 10/7 targeted innocent women and children for rape, mutilation, and murder. This inspired an ongoing epidemic of leftist protests in support of Hamas that frequently cross the line into riots. Just the day before yesterday, they tore down the US flag from Union Station in DC, burned it, and replaced it with the Palestinian flag — which in the current context is equivalent to any other flag representing Islamic terror.

Consistent with its dogma, the Democrat base is firmly on the side of Muslim terrorists in their war against Western Civilization. No wonder pro-terrorist Kamala Harris was chosen as the new Democrat figurehead.

On a tip from Mr. Freemarket.

Jul 25 2024

Ad Destroys Phony Kamala Harris Narrative

Even by liberal establishment standards, the arrogance is astonishing. Overruling its own voters, the Democratic Party is attempting to install Kamala Harris as the next president. This requires doctoring recent history and lying to our faces that she is someone a sane person could regard as acceptable. But we have the receipts:

Note that this is from the campaign not of Trump but of US Senate candidate Dave McCormick. Kamala Harris is as radical left as you can get. By lining up behind her, the Democratic Party has confirmed it is now the American equivalent of the Khmer Rouge. The systematic lies of its mouthpiece, the “mainstream” media, must be debunked so she can be exposed as the menace she is. Then she needs to be hung around the neck of the entire Democratic Party and every pol wicked enough to take part in it.

Hat tip: Not the Bee.


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