Silliest Statement of the Year
2025 is still young. Yet it is unlikely to produce any idiocy to top this statement by leftist congresscritter James Clyburn (D-SC) regarding the disastrous Joe Biden:
“I think that he will go down as one of the greatest presidents we ever had.”
Then he compounds it with this:
“I think the same thing about Jimmy Carter, who we just funeralized.”
Biden is widely regarded as having surpassed Carter as the worst president ever in terms of incompetence and being a national embarrassment, although Obama may exceed both of them regarding damage done to the country.
Clyburn is insufferably full of baloney, as the following video attests:
It is no surprise that Clyburn attempts to gaslight us that Biden has not been awful. He is more responsible than anyone for Biden’s disgraceful presence in the White House.
The Powers That Be in the Democratic Party had to find a nominee to replace the communist Bernie Sanders, who was popular among primary voters but would have gotten wiped out in a general election. “Civil rights leader” (i.e., professional racist) Clyburn selected Biden as part of a deal that would deliver the black vote in exchange for race-based appointments like Ketanji Brown Jackson. This is why Biden proclaimed that those refusing to vote for him “ain’t black.”

On a tip from 100 Bravo. Graphic compliments of Chuck A.
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