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Aug 19 2024

Somali Maniac Escapes During Disney Movie

It’s as if we were living in a ham-fisted movie intended to drive home the point that moonbattery is insane. But this is too perfect to be fiction:

[A] Somali migrant in Germany, Mursal Mohamed Seid (24), who brutally murdered his roommate by inflicting 111 stab wounds before decapitating him, managed to escape custody during a trip to the cinema to watch a Disney film.

Seid had attempted to escape before. Yet they let him out to enjoy movies.

Seid’s crime shocked the nation when, in 2021, he viciously attacked his roommate Alex K., 52, in a homeless shelter in the Bavarian town of Regen. The brutal nature of the crime—111 stab wounds leading to the decapitation of the victim, with such force that the intestines erupted from the body—has been described as one of the most horrific acts of violence in recent memory. The Somalian perpetrator was quickly apprehended and placed in a high-security ward at the Mainkofen District Hospital in Bavaria, a facility designated for the treatment of dangerous offenders with severe mental health issues.

Then Disney magic — combined with comparably moonbatty German authorities — set him free.

Seid was allowed to attend a family-friendly screening of a Disney film, part of a rehabilitation program intended to reintegrate patients into society. Accompanied by female guards, he seized the opportunity to escape during the movie, managing to evade authorities for a grueling eight hours. The escape triggered a massive manhunt, with over 100 police officers deployed to track him down.

Seid is again enjoying three hots and a cot complements of German taxpayers until his next escape. Even if authorities could muster the will to send him back to Somalia, he would only return.

On a tip from WDS 2.0.


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