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Sep 23 2024

Squatters and Graffiti Vandals Hit Hollywood Hills

The pink elitists comprising our ruling class seem to believe they can destroy America for the little people without wrecking for themselves. Inner cities are hideous hellholes and normal people who can’t afford armed security are set upon by feral vermin as society collapses into lawlessness thanks to liberal policies, but places like Hollywood Hills remain immune. Or maybe not:

What was once a posh mansion in California’s Hollywood Hills section has turned into an eyesore after it was taken over by squatters and taggers.

Local police have been rendered largely irrelevant in liberal enclaves like Los Angeles.

One neighbor said 911 has been called several times just in the past week.

To no avail. Clear them out, back they come within an hour.

It’s worse than just an eyesore:

“Apparently, some squatters came and actually attacked one of the neighbors with steel rebar and [a] beer bottle,” the neighbor said.

In desperation, they are leaving no stone unturned:

Neighbors also say they’ve reached out to L.A. Councilwoman Nithya Raman’s office but haven’t had much luck with a resolution.

Raman identifies as a homelessness advocate. Like most Democrats in positions of power, she is unlikely to side with the law-abiding.

On tips from Wiggins and KirklesWorth.


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