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May 30 2023

State Farm Gives Up on California

Depravity is not merely a characteristic of moonbattery but its fundamental principle. This produces bizarre paradoxes. For example, Big Business is belligerently woke, as companies like Anheuser-Busch and Target poke us in the eye to remind us. Yet to the extent wokeness prevails, it is not possible to do business.

Moonbattery-addled California is a case in point. Retailers like Walgreens and Nordstrom have been withdrawing because they cannot maintain stores where looting is effectively legal in accordance with liberal ideology. Nor can insurers do business:

State Farm, the nation’s largest property insurer by volume, is pulling out of California. They will not be selling property insurance in the state anymore for a lot of obvious reasons including rising costs that are outpacing inflation, rampant crime, surging homelessness, the illegal alien invasion, and overall horrible policies from the Democrat-run government.

As we have come to expect, the liberal establishment media blames climate change:

One of the largest insurance agencies in the country will no longer accept applications for home and business insurance in California due to wildfire risks and the cost of rebuilding. …

A decadeslong megadrought and climate change have been exacerbating wildfire risk in California in recent years. Severe drought during the winter is leading to matchbox conditions in the dry season, allowing intense wildfires to ignite with the slightest spark.

California has always been prone to droughts and wildfires. It has not always been rendered dysfunctional by liberal rule, a conspicuous feature of which is the property damage that characterizes anarchotyranny. But the more plausible explanation for State Farm’s inability to operate there does not support its narrative, so the media leaves us to figure things out for ourselves.

On tips from Chris Neilson and Lyle.


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