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Jul 11 2024

Stores Threatened With Fine for Reporting Crime

Due to the woke policies of letting criminals run free, effectively legalizing shoplifting, and marginalizing police, shoplifting is out of control in California. For every problem created by liberals, there is a liberal solution:

The Sacramento City Attorney’s Office warned a chain retail store that it could face a public nuisance charge due to a large number of phone calls placed to police when thieves repeatedly stole from its Land Park location.

This particular store is a Target.

The alleged warning issued by Sacramento city officials — and similar actions by other cities across the state — prompted lawmakers to add an amendment to a retail theft bill that would outlaw such threats made by authorities. Pursuing legal actions against businesses for reporting crime brought heavy criticism from law enforcement.

No doubt this criticism constitutes evidence of systemic racism, for reasons of disparate impact.

The alleged warnings by city officials statewide may affect what crime data is reported as businesses contend with the potential of facing legal action for reporting retail theft…

Threaten to fine people for reporting crime and presto: lower official crime rate. No wonder liberals regard themselves as so much smarter than the law-abiding little people they rule over.

Stores themselves aren’t the only victims:

Land Park Community Association members said the frequent criminal activity at the Target has prompted residents to record instances of crime, according one report by Ch. 13, the Sacramento CBS affiliate. Kristina Rogers, president of the association, also complained in the report about how the crime hitting the business bleeds into the neighborhood.

A rising tide lifts all boats. Moonbattery has the opposite effect.

On tips from Wiggins and Ed McAninch.


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3 Responses to “Stores Threatened With Fine for Reporting Crime”

  1. […] want a preview of the totalitarian dystopia we will subsist under if Democrats prevail, we turn to California or New York. But Michigan under moonbat rule will serve just as […]

  2. […] want a preview of the totalitarian dystopia we will subsist under if Democrats prevail, we turn to California or New York. But Michigan under moonbat rule will serve just as […]


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