Stuart Scheller Is Relieved of Command
Don’t blame US troops. A fish rots from the head — although it won’t help your military career to point this out.
The problem with training people to become fearless in battle is that they can become fearless in other respects as well. Marine Lt Col Stuart Scheller is a case in point as he falls on his sword for his country:
The Blaze reports:
Scheller posted a blistering video to Facebook and LinkedIn on Thursday. Scheller, who has been in the USMC for 17 years, questioned the decision-making by top U.S. military leadership, including Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark Milley, and Marine Commandant Gen. David H. Berger.
Like US Space Force Lt Col Matthew Lohmeier, who warned that Marxists are subjecting troops to hard left brainwashing and subverting the armed forces, Scheller was relieved of his command for posting this video.
The top ranks of the military are infested with left-wing political hacks. This is why we are no match for the Taliban — leave alone China. It bears repeating:
America has an army of lions led by a senile moonbat. We may have a limited amount of time to correct this unacceptable state of affairs.
On a tip from DM.
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[…] story is only beginning regarding Stuart Scheller, the Marine Lieutenant Colonel who fell on his sword by demanding accountability from the left-wing political hacks at the top of the command structure […]
[…] story is only beginning regarding Stuart Scheller, the Marine Lieutenant Colonel who fell on his sword by demanding accountability from the left-wing political hacks at the top of the command structure […]