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Sep 14 2024

Taxpayers to Provide Illegal Alien Phone Discounts

Since American taxpayers apparently don’t mind buying homes for the illegal aliens imported from the Third World to displace them, why shouldn’t we pay their phone bills too?

The latest proposal [from the moonbats running the erstwhile Golden State] would eliminate requiring social security numbers for the California LifeLine program, which provides phone bill discounts for low-income residents. …

“If an undocumented Californian falls on hard times, they should benefit from this program, just like every other Californian,” said utilities commission President Alice Reynolds.

By “undocumented Californian,” she means someone who is not a Californian or even an American but a foreign invader who is in the country illegally.

Providing illegal aliens with subsidized phone service is particularly important because as Director of Policy and Administrative Advocacy for Neighborhood Legal Services Los Angeles Lena Silver observes, it helps them to acquire more public benefits at our expense.

On a tip from WDS 2.0.


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