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Jul 15 2024

Transsexual Violence Hall of Horrors Updates

Due to the profound psychosis inherent in transsexualism, violent transsexual maniacs have been coming to light faster than they can be assigned their appropriate place in the Transsexual Violence Hall of Horrors. Let’s try to catch up on a few.

Alex Ray Scott:

A trans-identified male has been sentenced to 45 years in prison for a murder in Oklahoma while standing trial for a separate murder in New York City. Alex Ray Scott, 28, declared he was transgender very shortly after being taken into custody, and has been held in a women’s prison since. …

At the time of his New York City arrest, Scott was wanted in the state of Oklahoma on three counts of lewd molestation of a child.

An unnamed Spaniard:

A man in Spain is alleged to have poisoned his wife and child in the midst of divorce proceedings following his declaration of a transgender identity. …

While it has not been definitively confirmed, the motive for the divorce appears to have been the man’s decision to identify as a “woman.”

Fortunately, both his wife and their 5-year-old son survived.

The case has sparked particular concern amongst Spanish women’s rights advocates, as they have noted that Spain’s exceptionally strict gender identity laws mean that, if prosecuted, the man will be treated as a “female” by the courts.

Let’s hope the women’s prison doesn’t let him work in the kitchen.

Julia Grace Egler:

A teenage girl allegedly fatally shot her mother and wounded her mother’s boyfriend until she ran out of bullets and stabbed him.

Julia Grace Egler, 16, was charged with two counts of first-degree murder after she admitted to killing the couple…

Despite being referred to as a girl by the media, “Julia” is a boy.

Kelley McCollom, 41, and Matthew Szejnrok, 22, were found dead at the Palm Bay, Florida, home on July 6…

Julia eventually told detectives she murdered them because she didn’t like that her mother was dating a much younger man, and was ‘not vey accepting of her gender transition,’ according to the arrest affidavit.

Death to transphobes!

[McCollom’s] posts appeared to be very supportive of her daughter’s gender identity, always calling her ‘my daughter’ and sharing sweet photos of them together.

But no one is ever quite supportive enough.

Evidence accrues that transsexualism is a form of lunacy that should not be encouraged.

Please welcome these new additions to the Transsexual Violence Hall of Horrors.

On tips from ABC of the ANC, Wiggins, and Ed McAninch.


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