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Aug 28 2024

UK Survives Another Notting Hill Carnival

Notting Hill Carnival is the annual event at which Britain celebrates the post-European culture imposed by its ruling class through mass Third World immigration. The violence characterizing the festivities continues to escalate.

Those who speak up against the displacement of the British population by savages from backward lands are imprisoned; authorities even release child rapists to free up cells for them. The savages themselves are allowed to run riot, as Paul Joseph Watson attests:

Retired Scotland Yard detective chief inspector Mike Neville calls Notting Hill Carnival the “ultimate in two-tier policing” and confirms that police refrain from making arrests lest they be denounced as racists.

Congratulations to the UK for surviving another Notting Hill Carnival. Now let’s see if it can survive Two-Tier Keir.

On tips from Steve T, ABC of the ANC, KirklesWorth, and seaoh.


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