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Jun 09 2023

University of Evansville Pride Camp for Teens

Many aspects of American culture will still survive after liberals have finished fundamentally transforming the country. For example, kids will still go to summer camp to make new friends and learn new skills. However, this tradition will be repurposed. Already, liberal parents can send their trophy LGBTeens aged 13–17 to University of Evansville Pride Camp:

Sessions/activities include:

• Telling your own story
• Biology of sex and gender: What is it? What is it not?
• Future of LGBTQ+ concerns in politics.
• Exploration of LGBTQ+ topics in various fields of study.
• A reflection room
• Outdoor games and activities

The activities are best left undescribed. Just be sure to get Junior checked for STDs afterward.

On a tip from Barry A.


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3 Responses to “University of Evansville Pride Camp for Teens”

  1. […] Moonbattery covers more TransMania […]

  2. […] things out for themselves. That’s why they sponsor LGBT indoctrination camps for children. University of Evansville Pride Camp is one example. University of Wisconsin–Green Bay offers […]


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