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Jun 18 2024

White House Topless Transsexual Accused of Rape

Remember Rosa Montoya, the topless transsexual who bared his artificial breasts during a freak show staged by Biden’s handlers on the White House lawn, then after getting thrown under the bus issued a nonapology insulting those who didn’t approve of his disgusting behavior? A quick reminder:

Mr. Montoya is back in the news:

Jesse Diamond, who goes by TransMuscleBear online, accused Montoya of raping her on multiple occasions in a long thread shared on X, saying, “[F]or myself & the other 4 confirmed victims. I will no longer stay silent.”

Just as “Rose Montoya” is a man, “Jesse Diamond” is a woman. Everything in Liberal Land is upside down and backward.

Assuming the allegations of sexual assault have merit, Mr. Montoya belongs in the Transsexual Violence Hall of Horrors almost as much as he belongs at Biden’s White House.

On tips from seaoh and ABC of the ANC.


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