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Aug 23 2022

Children and the LGBT Agenda

Submitting to the LGBT agenda means accepting this:

The 10-year-old “girl” in the picture is not a girl but a boy who has been transsexualized and is now called by the name “Noella McMaher” as he is paraded before the public as a sex object. His eyes appear to have seen things no child should ever know about.

His mother Dee McMaher gushes that he “knows exactly how to work a crowd.”

In a sane society, this woman would be arrested for child abuse. In ours, only a Representative widely viewed as an extremist dares to propose that it should be illegal to sexually mutilate children for the greater glory of Pride:

A small step, but at least one in the right direction. The liberal establishment must really hate MTG now.

On tips from Blackface Dork Brandolph and Gringoman.


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