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Aug 28 2022

And the Winner of the Redacted Affidavit Meme Contest Is…

By now we are past expecting transparency from our hostile and insolent moonbat rulers. Even so, the redactions to the Mar-a-Lago affidavit have raised not only eyebrows but guffaws:

The Department of Justice (DOJ) released a heavily-redacted copy of its affidavit used to justify an FBI raid on former President Donald Trump’s residence on Friday, eliciting mockery online for its lack of information.

Very little new information can be gleaned from the affidavit because of the extent of the blacked-out portions. In the 32-page affidavit, 11 pages are essentially completely redacted. Heavy and partial redactions cover more pages. …

In addition to the affidavit, the court also unsealed a government memo explaining its reasons for the affidavit’s redactions. That memo also drew mockery for its heavy redactions.

This has unleashed a deluge of memes. Not the Bee has collected some good ones, including:

Honorable mention:

On a tip from Varla.


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