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Sep 02 2023

Australian Kids Taught to Wallow in Self-Hatred

Even in the era of wokeness, some children may grow up taking pride in their country. This will cause problems later if they resist its eradication. They may even respect themselves. Only those who despise themselves are fit subjects for leftist rule. Australian educrats are on top of the situation, instilling shame of themselves and their country by forcing children as young as 10 to write letters in school apologizing to the aborigines who sparsely populated the continent before its discovery for supposedly “taking their land”:

The letters, written by primary school children, were put together on pieces of paper shaped in the form of a megaphone with words referencing the nation’s colonial past.

‘We are sorry for everything that we have done,’ one letter reads.

Sorry for bringing civilization to barefoot savages. Sorry for existing.

Another said: ‘We are sorry to Aboriginals. We took your land and we have now we feel sad of what we have done.’

If the kids grow up loathing themselves and their country sufficiently, they can be counted on to vote for the Australian Labor Party.

On a tip from R F.


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