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Sep 20 2024

Literal Free Ride for Lawless Migrants in Germany

The nice thing about putting leftists in charge is that they always have solutions for the problems they cause. Germany’s rulers allowing in numberless hordes of welfare colonists from the Third World has reduced public transportation to a threat to life and limb — especially for those charged with taking tickets. The solution: let “asylum seekers” ride free.

Via Remix News:

German train conductors in the state of Thuringia have been given permission not to check the tickets of foreign passengers after an increase in threatening behavior from asylum seekers towards staff.

The Thüringer Allgemeine reported on Sunday that railway staff had been informed to do all they can to de-escalate troublesome travelers, even if that meant effectively giving them a free pass on their commute.

By “troublesome travelers,” they don’t mean Germans.

Cultural enrichment has a comparably criminal cast in France:

Annual figures provided by the French interior ministry’s statistics bureau, the SSMSI, in September last year revealed that 69 percent of violent robberies and other violent crimes, including sexual assaults, on public transport in the greater Paris region of Île-de-France were perpetrated by foreign nationals.

A closer look at the data showed Africans alone were responsible for 52 percent of such crimes while only representing 3.2 percent of the population of France.

Let’s hope there is no disparate impact regarding incarceration rates. That would be racist.

On a tip from Franco.


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