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Sep 22 2024

UN and Biden/Harris DoJ Defend October 7 Terrorists

If there could be a silver lining to the October 7 terror atrocities, it would be that they reminded us evil is not a harmless abstraction but a very real force that we have to fight with all our hearts:

Children, even infants, were gunned down in their bedrooms. Entire families were slaughtered. Many were burned alive. Hamas committed violent sexual crimes against women, men, and young girls, and tortured family members in front of each other before killing them or abducting them into Gaza.

To fight evil, we must be able to identify it:

In an official document submitted to the US court, the UN, backed by the US Department of Justice, claims that UNRWA employees who participated in the October 7th massacre be granted immunity from prosecution.

That would be the same DoJ Obama and then Biden have wielded as a weapon against political opponents.

A full 10% of UNRWA employees are affiliated with a terror group, and at least 12 UNRWA employees participated directly in the October 7 massacre…

Regardless of the legal merits of the case, the sides are drawn.

On a tip from Wiggins.


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