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Aug 31 2023

Antiwhite Racism From NASCAR

If ever a brand could be more at war with its own customer base than Bud Light, it would be NASCAR. The latest gob of spit in fans’ faces:

The race car giant’s “diversity internship program” states that there are racial requirements that applicants must meet in order to be accepted.

The first bullet point listed under the heading “Program Requirements” reads “Be a member of one or more of the following races/ethnic minority classifications: Black or African American, American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, Latino or Hispanic, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander.”

NASCAR appeals to members of America’s core population. But the appeal doesn’t go vice versa.

NASCAR’s diversity internship program appears to be part of a broader company campaign called “Drive for Diversity,” which also includes race-based mentorship programs.

Blatant racism of this type violates Title VII of the 1866 Civil Rights Act. But according to liberal doctrine, racism against whites doesn’t count as racism, because whites deserve to be discriminated against for being racists.

Bud Light came crashing down because there are alternatives. NASCAR doesn’t have such direct competition. But then, there are ways to spend your free time other than watching cars drive around in circles.

On a tip from R F.


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