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Oct 25 2023

BBC Weeps Over Gay Tax

Why is it that homosexual couples can’t have children, even though our rulers have dictated that their sexual liaisons are valid marriages? Is it because of biology? No, biology has been overruled in favor of LGBT doctrine. It is because of the gay tax, as revealed by the BBC:

In England, the NHS will fund in-vitro fertilisation (IVF) for heterosexual couples who have been trying for a baby unsuccessfully for at least two years and meet certain other criteria such as age and weight.

But same-sex couples are often expected to demonstrate their infertility before the NHS will fund IVF – and to do so must pay privately for between three and 12 rounds of artificial insemination.

This is denounced as a “gay tax” — possibly the first tax ever that liberals don’t like.

It is discrimination to require homosexuals to prove they are infertile, because it is irrelevant. Two members of the same sex can no more conceive a child than you could conceive one by having sex with a dog. That’s why homosexuality has been reviled for millennia as perversion. It’s why the Obergefell ruling is depraved. It’s why the moonbat activists at the Beeb demand taxpayer-funded test tube babies for their favorite identity group, knowing that any offspring produced will grow up messed up and almost certainly left-wing.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC. Hat tip: Not the Bee.


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