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Jun 09 2022

Biden Demonstrates Communication Skills

Biden went 119 days without granting an interview to the friendly media that was instrumental in putting him in power. Finally, he agreed to a tongue bath by shameless Democrat toady Jimmy Kimmel, which was performed last night in front of a studio audience of clapping seals. Even that format proved too challenging:

Kimmel performed his assigned task by absolving Biden of responsibility for the mess he has been making of the country. The lackey joined Biden in denouncing Republicans, called for him to use executive orders to attack the Second Amendment, and advised him to “start yelling at people.”

Awful as Biden is at communicating, that isn’t the reason his approval rating is in free fall. As Tim Murtaugh accurately observes,

The White House has it backward. It’s not that Americans don’t understand what Mr. Biden has done. It’s that they do.

Despite his communication problems, Biden was able to get his message across loud and clear regarding the Democrat desire to jail political opponents:

That’s what the inquisition calling itself the January 6 Commission is all about, as Peter Navarro and Michigan gubernatorial candidate Ryan Kelly can tell you.

On tips from Wiggins, Jester, and Varla.


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