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Apr 09 2023

Biden Regime to Translate Obscene Dictionary of Depravity

There are many aspects to the leftist campaign to destroy America. The way they will destroy it economically is through grotesquely excessive wasteful spending resulting in a lethal triple whammy of debt, inflation, and suffocating taxation. Biden and his handlers are not so much an administration as a looting spree, comparable to a Black Lives Matter mob pillaging a Target. A grant to translate Homosaurus into Spanish gives an idea of what they have been spending our money on:

Biden’s National Endowment for the Humanities in January announced the $350,000 grant, which will see the University of Washington create a “Spanish-language version of the Homosaurus.” The dictionary, which features a dinosaur standing under a rainbow as its logo, defines hundreds of terms and phrases “relating to bisexuality, trans, gender, and intersex concepts,” according to its website. Examples include “anal fisting,” which the Homosaurus defines as the “sexual practice of inserting a fist into an anus,” [et cetera, ad nauseam].

Like the subject matter, many of the terms are obscene.

[F]eminist scholar Marika Cifor will oversee the Spanish translation, a project she says will take three years.

Why so long? Because, according to Cifor, a direct translation “doesn’t feel adequate and reinforces the centrality of the English language.” Like America, the English language is slated for erasure.

The obscene dictionary will alleviate oppression, or as Cifor puts it, help with the “basic struggles for information accessibility that many marginalized communities still face.”

As with most things LGBT, there is an emphasis on defiling children:

Homosaurus also includes terms that define minors under the age of 18, such as “bisexual boys,” “gay boys,” and “transgender children.” The dictionary, which sells children’s apparel bearing its logo, also defines “pederasts” as “adult men who have sexual and mentor/protégé relationships with adolescent boys” but says the term should only be used “in historical contexts.”

For current contexts, the politically correct destigmatized term is MAPs (minor-attracted persons).

It isn’t enough to spend us to death. Democrats have to do it by the most degrading, disgusting, and morally repugnant means possible.

On a tip from Chris Neilson.


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