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Mar 17 2021

Buttigieg Bike Buy Is Hypocritical Farce

Joe Biden isn’t the only prominent Democrat whose public existence is a staged sham. Pete Buttigieg was promoted from former Mayor of South Bend, Indiana to Secretary of Transportation on the insane basis of his deviant sexual proclivities. He recently showcased his environmental righteousness as well as his regular guy nature by buying a bicycle in a Pizza Hut parking lot. This signals virtue because bicycles protect the endangered weather from harmless CO2. Like the underlying ideology, the purchase was a farce:

“Our neighbor sells used bikes, and last week he met a customer at a Petworth Pizza Hut. He said he was waiting for the person when a couple of black government SUVs pulled up and then a couple moreā€”and then, out pops Pete Buttigieg,” Boston Globe journalist Jazmine Ulloa wrote on Twitter. “He sold a hybrid commuter to the U.S. secretary of transportation that evening. Turned out my neighbor had been talking to Buttigieg’s husband, Chasten, all along.”

If he were even half sincere, the public transit advocate Buttigieg might have taken Metrorail. It would have been a straight shot on the Green Line. But unlike regular Americans, he has the option of traveling by SUV convoy, so he takes advantage.

Buttigieg spares no expense when it comes to traveling in comfort:

In 2019, during his failed campaign for president, Buttigieg spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on private jets, more than any other Democratic candidate at the time.

Maybe that’s why Biden’s handlers settled on the Secretary of Transportation position for the administration’s token Guy With a Husband.

Buttigieg makes up for his oversized carbon footprint by raising awareness regarding the environmental sinfulness of those who eat hamburgers or use plastic straws and are therefore “part of the problem” regarding allegedly catastrophic global warming.

On a tip from Henry.


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One Response to “Buttigieg Bike Buy Is Hypocritical Farce”

  1. […] Secretary Pete Buttigieg’s recent bike buy was a hypocritical farce, but not as phony as […]


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