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Dec 23 2020

Child Rapist Awarded With Sex Change Operation

Under rule by the depraved, depravity is rewarded. Mark Allen Campbell was sentenced to 34 years for repeatedly raping his 10-year-old daughter. His prize: a sex-change operation. We are told it is Campbell’s constitution right that we pay the extravagant cost to have him transformed into a freakish facsimile of a female to gratify his fantasies.

Via Post Millennial:

Racine Correctional Institute, a men’s prison, where Campbell has been housed has allowed Campbell to dress in women’s clothing and wear make-up. Campbell has received taxpayer-funded hormone treatments and counseling since being incarcerated.

Then he decided to go the whole nine yards: surgical sexual disfiguration.

Campbell filed a lawsuit claiming that Campbell’s Eighth Amendment rights had been violated as Department of Corrections officials were “indifferent” to Campbell’s “medical needs.” The suit claims that Campbell was forced to suffer under the cruel and unusual punishment of not allowing Campbell to undergo drastic body modification surgery that would destroy Campbell’s reproductive system and sexual health.

This isn’t what the Founding Fathers had in mind by “cruel and unusual punishment.” But their intent doesn’t count for much in liberal jurisprudence.

US District Judge James Peterson ruled that Campbell does indeed have a constitutional right to force us to finance his sex change surgery.

“And some members of the public are outraged at any effort to improve the health and well being of inmates,” he wrote. “But the true public interest lies in alleviating needless suffering by those who are dependent on the government for their care.”

Not all the sickos are behind bars. Some wear judge’s robes.

Judge Peterson has recommended moving Campbell, a sex offender who sexually abused [his] own daughter, to a women’s facility while Campbell waits.

He wants to place a convicted rapist in a woman’s prison. What could go wrong?

The women at the women’s prison were not consulted and their safety does not appear to be relevant…

Campbell has reportedly shown no remorse for his appalling crimes. Why would he? In a society run by liberals, being a criminal earns victim status, and unlike the victims of criminals, faux victims are revered.

On a tip from FighttheBeast. Hat tip: Not the Bee.


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One Response to “Child Rapist Awarded With Sex Change Operation”

  1. […] don’t have to be a pervert who repeatedly raped his 10-year-old daughter to get special favoritism from the liberal ruling class. Any enemy of society qualifies — because […]


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