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Aug 29 2024

Cornell Circles the Drain

Countermoonbat Cornell University law school professor William Jacobson reports on the lawless pro-Hamas demonstrations that have made his Ivy League university such an unwelcoming place for Jews:

We had a student last year who’s now in prison for four years for threatening to shoot up the kosher dining hall. We’ve had encampments. We had two students testify in Congress about the endless acts of harassment and intimidation they received, two Jewish students. And the administration really, I think, has lost their way.

And a part of that reason is the faculty mostly backs, at least the vocal faculty, backs these students and eggs them on and lives out some sort of weird revolutionary fantasy through these students.

That is, the faculty consists largely of moonbats.

It’s a culture on the campus that encourages anti-Americanism, encourages antisemitism, encourages anti-westernism. These students are chanting for decolonization. They refer to the United States as Turtle Island, and the university encourages this. There are faculty members who egg this on and who act as advisors on this.

The purpose of calling America “Turtle Island” is to imply that it has no right to exist. Leftists side with Hamas terrorists because, due to historical (not to mention biblical) illiteracy, they think Israel is a colonial country like the USA. According to their ideology, Jews deserve to die because Americans do.

Imagine the kind of classes that would be taught by these kooks. Classes like this:

The Ivy League school will teach a “Ecological Justice: Feminist, Queer, and Trans Perspectives” class that will present “an in-depth study of ecological justice from feminist, queer, and trans perspectives.”

And this:

Cornell University will teach a “Queer Classics” class that will examine “classical antiquity and its reception through the prism of queer studies.”

Anything moonbats infiltrate, they subvert. Anything they subvert becomes increasingly disgusting, depraved, and dysfunctional until it dies. Not long ago, the Ivy League was respected.

On tips from Franco.


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