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Sep 29 2021

Covid Tyranny Update: Colored Armbands, Isolation Camps

Nazis made groups designated as scapegoats wear symbols so that they could be identified and subjected to abuse. That abuse reached its apogee in isolated camps. Let’s check in on the progress progressives are making at reestablishing the Nazi style of government in the name of Covid hysteria.

Remember the yellow “Jude” stars from the history books? Then this ought to sound familiar:

First year students at the University of Bath have been given armbands by authorities to signal whether they’ve been double-vaccinated, with unvaxxed students having to wear a different colour.

Those who can’t prove the correct vaccination status have to stand in separate lines.

Bath is a notoriously left-wing city, as is its main university.

Speaking of notoriously left-wing locations, the video below takes us into the woods of Washington State. Looks like they are setting up a Covid concentration camp:

If you would like a job manning a machine gun in the guard tower, apply as an Isolation & Quarantine Team Consultant.

On tips from Zachary B and Occam’s Stubble.


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2 Responses to “Covid Tyranny Update: Colored Armbands, Isolation Camps”

  1. […] Nazi required badge worn by Jews. Covid Tyranny Update: Colored Armbands, Isolation Camps […]


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