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Jun 29 2024

Dartmouth Dean Rallies Students for Trans Agenda

It doesn’t stop at the Biden Regime. The entire ruling class is morally depraved. The rot seeps out of academia, in particular the Ivy League:

According to an email obtained by Do No Harm, faculty at Dartmouth’s Geisel School of Medicine are seeking to bolster student opposition to several bills advanced by the New Hampshire state legislature. “Recent legislative changes have raised concerns about the rights and well-being of our transgender community members,” wrote Tara Cunningham, associate dean for student life at Geisel, in an email from her official Dartmouth account to a student Listserv.

“Rights and well-being” is a Liberalese reference to social engineering objectives.

Cunningham went on to urge students to contact New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu and voice their opposition to the legislation. The bill, New Hampshire HB 619, would ban gender transition surgeries for children. Other legislation targeted in Cunningham’s email would require people at sports facilities, schools, and prisons to use the bathroom corresponding with their biological sex, ban biological males from competing in female sports teams in grades 5–12, and keep parents apprised of LGBTQ-related materials in schools. Such legislation would reinforce protections for students and children from being victimized in school or receiving irremediable sex reassignment surgeries while underage.

“First do no harm” went out the window when the Long March Through the Institutions took over medical education.

On a tip from Franco.


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