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Sep 05 2024

Enslaved to Illegals at Every Level of Government

The most fundamental purpose of our government is to defend us from foreign invasion. Under Democrat rule, government does the exact opposite — not only allowing invasion, not only facilitating it, but enslaving the American population to the invaders through taxation. This is inflicted at all levels of government, from cities to the federal behemoth.

At the municipal level:

At the state level:

Nancy Pelosi celebrated a bill that would allow illegal immigrants to buy homes with taxpayer loans in her home state of California. …

Under Assembly Bill 1840, the California Housing Finance Authority would be compelled to consider applications from illegal immigrants for the “Dream for All Program.” The fund gives first-time homebuyers loan assistance of up to 20 percent of a property’s value with a cap of $150,000.

You may not be able to afford a home, but the legal aliens displacing you will be able to, because the government that was supposed to keep them out gives them your money.

At the federal level:

A single word describes Democrat border and wealth redistribution policies: treason.

On tips from Wiggins and WDS 2.0.


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