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Jul 21 2024

Exorbitantly Expensive Free Lunch in Colorado

“There is no free lunch,” as the time-honored saying goes. Whatever leftists declare must be free will end up costing us all more than we can afford, even if most of us get no benefit. Consider the free lunch bestowed in Colorado:

When Colorado voters approved “Healthy School Meals for All” two years ago, organizers behind the ballot initiative estimated the program would cost $115 million in its first year.

The actual costs significantly exceeded that — $166 million…

From here the cost will continue directly upward.

“I don’t know why the costs have gotten so out of control,” said state Sen. Barbara Kirkmeyer, R-Brighton, who serves on both the legislature’s appropriations and Joint Budget Committee.

I know why. Because the market for free stuff is infinite, and because Big Government is involved. People do not spend other people’s money wisely.

No worries; liberals have a solution:

Given the actual cost of the program, supporters are seriously considering whether to put another ballot measure before voters to ask for more money.

Then they will ask for more money after that. Then more after that. People will vote for it, on the grounds that it will be mostly others who have to pay.

On a tip from R F.


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