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Jun 11 2023

Governor General of Canada Praises Anti-Queen Vandalism

The Governor General of Canada is the federal viceregal representative of the Canadian monarch — i.e., the British monarch, as Canada is part of the British Commonwealth. Currently, this supposedly apolitical position is held by Mary Simon. Here’s what she has to say about a statue of Queen Elizabeth II being defaced with the words “colonizer” and “killer”:

“I think it’s really important for Indigenous people to express themselves in whichever form they want, but it’s also very important for us to recognize that the effects of colonization and residential schools have had such a devastating impact on the cultures and identity of Indigenous people, that there is frustrations. There’s anger.

“And they will, from time to time, express that anger and the frustrations. For me, as a representative of the King, my role is to help understand what’s going on. So in a way, I can’t say whether it’s right or wrong. It’s right for the people maybe who are doing it but wrong for the people that want the history to continue as it was.”

Moonbats do not have moral values in any meaningful sense, but they do have moral relativism.

You might wonder about this moron’s qualifications to represent the British monarchy. Wikipedia produces the only credentials she needs:

Simon is Inuk, making her the first Indigenous person to hold the office.

A culture that appoints people who openly hate it to serve as its representatives is living on borrowed time.

On a tip from ABC of ANC.


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